Under the conditions prescribed in this article and within the limitations specified herein, the following projections shall be permissible, it being understood that when a building line has not been established the street line shall control.
   (a)    The main cornice, meaning thereby a moulded projection at or near the top of a wall that faces on a street, may project beyond the building line not more than three feet; provided such main cornice is not less than twelve feet above curb level at all points.
   (b)    Cornices of show windows and porches including metal awning covers, may project beyond the building line not more than fifteen inches.
   (c)    Moldings, belt courses, lintels, sills, architraves, pediments and similar projections of a decorative character, may extend beyond the building line not more than four inches when they are less than ten feet above curb level, and not more than ten inches when they are ten feet or more above curb level.
   (d)    Columns, pilasters and other similar ornamental projections, including their mouldings and bases, erected for esthetic reasons, may project beyond the building line not more than twelve inches.
   (e)    Rustications and quoins may project beyond the building line not more than four inches.
   (f)    Base courses may project beyond the building line not more than one and one- fourth percent of the width of the street but not more than ten inches in any case; provided they do not extend more than five feet above curb level.
   (g)    A door, when fully open, may project not more than twelve inches beyond the building line.
    (h)    Marquees at entrances to buildings or structures may extend beyond the street line and across the sidewalk to the curb line, provided they are not less than ten feet above the curb level at all points, and, within the Fire Zones Nos. 1 and 2, are constructed of iron and glass or other noncombustible materials. They shall be securely supported from the building or structure and shall be properly drained.
      (Ord. 6424. Passed 11-29-77.)
   (i)    Canvas, retractable awnings attached to buildings or structures may extend beyond the street line but not nearer then eighteen inches to the curb line; all other awnings may extend beyond the street line not more than three feet. No awning shall be less than nine feet above the sidewalk at any point, nor shall there by any support from the awning to the sidewalk.
      (Ord. 6808. Passed 7-3-79.)
   (j)    Fire escapes and balconies to exits required by the BOCA Basic/National Building Code, constructed of steel or other noncombustible material may project beyond the building line not more than six feet, but no part of such fire escape or balcony shall be less than twelve feet above the sidewalk, provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the use, in connection with the permissible fire escapes, of movable stairs to the sidewalk, so arranged that they are twelve feet or more above the sidewalk when not in actual use.
   (k)    Areaways may project beyond the building line not more than four feet, provided that every such areaway shall be covered over at the street level by a grating of approved noncombustible material.
   (l)    Exterior hose connections for fire extinguishing equipment and fresh air inlets shall be set inside the building line or in recesses in the street walls when such walls are on the building lines, or they may project not more than twelve inches beyond the building line through the street wall at least two feet above the street level, or they may be placed in the angle made by the street wall with a pilaster or other permissible projection outside the building line.
      (Ord. 6424. Passed 11-29-77.)