(a)    The floor area enclosed by exterior walls or by exterior walls and firewalls in any story of a building shall not exceed the limits of the Table in Section 1745.10 and Section 1745.11.
   (b)    For the purpose of this section loading platforms, sheds and similar structures open on the long side and attached to buildings located in Fire Zone No. 3 shall not be deemed parts of the buildings if the aggregate area of such loading platforms, sheds and similar structures does not exceed the area limits of the Table in Section 1745.10 for buildings of the same type of construction.
   (c)    The aggregate area of buildings or portions of buildings not of fire-resistive construction attached to buildings of fire-resistive construction shall not exceed the allowable area for any of the buildings or portions of buildings not of fire-resistive construction.
   (d)    Where two or more buildings not of fire-resistive construction are connected by enclosed bridges, corridors, tunnels or other similar connections and the aggregate area of the buildings so connected exceeds the allowable area of any of the buildings, the openings onto such interconnections between the buildings shall be restricted to doorways or other openings protected by approved self-closing fire doors. The construction of the bridges, corridors, tunnels ar other similar connections between the buildings shall be of noncombustible construction or equivalent to the type of construction of the building having the highest allowable area.
(Ord. 6424. Passed 11-29-77.)