(a)   INJUNCTION.
      (1)   The Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals may institute a suit for a mandatory injunction directing an individual or a governmental unit to remove a structure erected in violation of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance. If the Planning Commission or Board is successful in its suit, the respondent shall bear the costs of the action.
      (2)   The Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals or the zoning office may institute a suit for injunction in the Circuit Court of Ohio County to restrain an individual or a governmental unit from violating the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)   VIOLATIONS. Whenever a violation of this Zoning Ordinance occurs, or is alleged to have occurred, any person may file a written complaint. Such a complaint, stating fully the causes and basis, shall be filed with the zoning office. He shall record properly such a complaint, and immediately investigate and take action as provided by this Zoning Ordinance.
   (c)   PENALTIES. Violation of any of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, or the failure to comply with any of its requirements, shall constitute a misdemeanor and may include such fines as applicable under State Law. Each day any violation of this Zoning Ordinance continues shall constitute a separate offense. The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises or part thereof, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent or other person who commits, participates in, assists in or maintains such violation, may each be found guilty of a separate offense and suffer the penalties herein provided.