(a)   ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. In addition to compliance with all other applicable provisions of this chapter and all other local, county and state laws, rules and regulations, no building permit shall be issued for any structure regulated by this article until such special use permit, and site plan approval if needed, have received Planning Commission approval and a copy of a resolution to that effect has been presented to the Economic and Community Development Department and Building Department.
   (b)   CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any structure or use of land covered by this chapter until the structure is completed or the land developed in strict accordance with the Planning Commission resolution of special use permit approval and other applicable requirements of this chapter.
   (c)   CONFORMING USE. Any use for which a special use permit may be granted shall be deemed a conforming use in the zoning district in which it is located, provided that such special use permit shall be deemed to affect only the lot or portion thereof for which such special use permit has been granted.