Home occupation. Any occupation or business activity which results in a product or service and is conducted wholly within the dwelling unit, and is clearly subordinate to the residential use of the dwelling unit. A Home Occupation shall not include incidental work performed at home by one legally maintaining an office elsewhere, provided that no clients or customers visit the home premises.
Class I Home Occupation. A home occupation in which no clients or customers visit the premises, and which has no visible exterior evidence of the conduct of the occupation, which does not create need for off-street parking beyond the dwelling's customary needs, which does not generate additional traffic, and in which no equipment is used other than that normally used in household, domestic, or general office use. No visitors, e.g. customers, clients, or deliveries, are allowed.
Class II Home Occupation. A home occupation in which clients or customers visit the premises, and which has not more than one non-illuminated sign not exceeding four square feet in area as visible exterior evidence of conduct of the occupation, and which accommodates both dwelling and home occupation parking needs off the street.