The D-3 District allows low to medium density residential and commercial uses along the riverfront and is designed to encourage the appropriate revitalization of this area of the Downtown. Maximum building height in this district is more restricted than in D-1 and D-2 in order to preserve river views from upland areas in the Downtown. Public access to the riverfront and the bicycle path are required. In D-3, land and structures may only be used for:
(Ord. 14405. Passed 1-2-13.)
      (1)   Multi-family dwelling.
      (2)   Any non-residential use allowed in D-2.
      (3)   Civic or governmental facility.
      (4)   Park.
      (5)   Adult establishment, subject to the standards in Article 1361.
         (Ord. 14993. Passed 8-15-17.)
Accessory uses that are customary and clearly incidental to the principal use.
      Parking garage or parking lot.
Mapped roads that intersect with Main Street and Water Street shall not be demapped within the D-3 district.
Alleys that exist in the D-3 district as of the effective date of this ordinance shall continue as alleys or public walkways in the D-3 district.
Public access from the roads and alleys noted above to the riverfront park path system shall be maintained.
Wherever land is rezoned to a D-3 district, roads and alleys that are mapped at the time of the rezoning shall be maintained. Public access connections shall be provided to the riverfront park path system or directly to the river if the park system has not yet been extended in the rezoned area.