1323.03 PURPOSE.
   Council adopts this Zoning Ordinance as an integral part of the comprehensive plan of the City in order that:
   (a)   Adequate light, air, convenience of access and safety from fire, flood and other dangers may be secured for the residents of the City insofar as is practicably possible;
   (b)   Congestion in the public streets may be lessened and avoided;
   (c)   The public health, safety, comfort, morals, convenience and general public welfare may be promoted;
   (d)   The preservation of historic landmarks, sites, districts and buildings is promoted;
   (e)   Planning for the future development of the community to the end that highway systems are carefully planned;
   (f)   New community centers grow only with adequate highway, utility, health, educational, and recreational facilities;
   (g)   The needs of agriculture, industry, and business be recognized in future growth;
   (h)   Residential areas provide healthy surroundings for family life;
   (i)   And the growth of the community is commensurate with and promoting of the efficient and economical use of public funds.
   In establishing the zoning districts of the City as hereinafter set forth, Council has given due and special consideration to existing conditions within such districts, the character of buildings erected in each district, the most desirable use for which the land in each district may be adapted, and the conservation of property values throughout the entire City.