No person owning or controlling any cart or vehicle described in Section 1109.02 and used for the purpose there mentioned shall cause or permit any such cart or vehicle to be so loaded or be in such defective condition or so out of repair or managed that any manure, garbage, rubbish, offal, dirt, offensive liquid or other material with which such cart or vehicle is loaded, shall drop or fall upon or in any street, public way or other place within the City. Such cart or vehicle, or any can, box or other receptacle carried thereon or therein and in which any of the substances described in Section 1109.02 is carried, shall be so constructed as to be strong and practically airtight so as to effectually prevent the same from emitting any odor, or so as to prevent any part of the contents, or load thereof, from falling, leaking or spilling therefrom. It shall be the duty of every person in charge, possession or control of any cart or vehicle used for the purpose mentioned in Section 1109.02 to replace at once on such cart or vehicle any part of the contents thereof which may have fallen, dropped or spilled from such cart or vehicle, or from any box or receptacle conveyed thereon, upon any street, public way or other place within the City.
(1961 Code Sec. 1109.04)