(a)    All users discharging waste which contains a 5 day BOD concentration in excess of 300 mg/1 shall be surcharged for all BOD exceeding 300 mg/1. The surcharge shall be in addition to the sewage service charge levied for treating and transporting wastes of normal BOD strength.
   The schedule of surcharge for wastes containing BOD with a concentration in excess of 300 mg/1 shall be as follows:
For all BOD concentration from 301 mg/1- $0.160/lb.
(Ord. 14369. Passed 9-18-12.)
   (b)    All users discharging waste with TSS concentration in excess of 350 mg/1 shall be surcharged for all TSS in excess of 350 mg/1. The surcharge shall be in addition to the sewage service charge levied for treating and transporting waste of normal TSS strength.
   The schedule of surcharge for wastes containing TSS with a concentration in excess of 350 mg/1 shall be as follows:
For all TSS concentration from 351 mg/1 - $.355/lb.
(Ord. 14173. Passed 7-5-11.)
   (c)   All users discharging waste with Ammonia concentration in excess of 45 mg/l shall be surcharged for all Ammonia in excess of 45 mg/l. The surcharge shall be in addition to the sewage service charge levied for treating and transporting waste of normal Ammonia strength.   
   The schedule of surcharge for wastes containing Ammonia with a concentration in excess of 45 mg/l shall be as follows:
For all Ammonia concentration from 46 mg/l - $0.210/lb.
(Ord. 14369. Passed 9-18-12.)
   (d)    The concentration of a waste for BOD or TSS shall be determined by taking the arithmetic mean of the concentrations of the BOD or TSS in the samples during the period under consideration. In the event that no samples have been taken during the period under consideration, the waste shall be deemed to have the same concentration of BOD or TSS as it did during the prior period of considerations immediately preceding the current period of consideration. All samples for determining the concentration of BOD or TSS shall be flow composite samples, or time composite samples where flow measurement facilities are not available, taken over a period of time commensurate with the discharge to the POTW of the waste which is at times a high strength waste.
(Ord. 14173. Passed 7-5-11; Ord. 14369. Passed 9-18-12.)
   (e)    The weight of BOD or TSS discharged to the POTW shall be calculated by
multiplying the entire flow of waste discharged to the POTW during the period under consideration in gallons divided by 1,000,000 and multiplied by 8.34, which will produce the weight in pounds of one mg/1, hereinafter called W, during the period under consideration.
The resulting number (W) shall be multiplied in the following increments:
(1)    For BOD:
   000 - 300 mg/1 = Free
W x >300 mg/1 x $0.160/lb. =Surcharge Fee
   >300 mg/1 =Surcharge Fee
(2)    For TSS:
   000 - 350/mg/l = Free
W x >350 mg/1 x $0.180/lb. = Surcharge Fee
   >350 mg/1 =Surcharge Fee
(3)   For Ammonia:
   000 - 45mg/l = Free
W x > 45 mg/l x $0.210/lb. = Surcharge Fee
   > 45 mg/l = Surcharge Fee
   (f)    In the case where the City of Wheeling has permitted the discharge of non-contact cooling water in the POTW, the strength of the waste shall be back calculated using the combined wastestream formula as set forth in 40 CFR 403.6(e) to determine the amount of surcharge applicable to the waste without the diluting effect of the cooling water. In all cases the user shall be required to measure the amount of cooling water discharged to the POTW. (Ord. 14369. Passed 9-18-12.)