(a)   It shall be a condition of the use or enjoyment of any special privilege for which a franchise is granted pursuant to the provisions of this article that the permittee shall save and hold the City harmless of any and all liability, claims or expenses of any kind, caused by, or growing out of, the construction, maintenance, operation, relocation, discontinuance or abandonment of such special privilege.
   (b)   Whenever the City grants or renews a franchise for any purpose over, along, above or below the City streets or highways, the grantee of such franchise shall deposit with the Treasurer a policy of insurance of public liability and property damage conditioned to indemnify and save harmless the City from any and all claims and damages by reason of injury to any person or property by virtue of the granting maintenance or use of such franchise. The minimum amount of coverage of such policy of insurance shall be the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for injury to one person and twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for injury to two or more persons and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for damage or injury to property. Such policy of insurance shall be continued in force during the entire period of the franchise and no franchise shall be effective until such policy of insurance is deposited as aforesaid. The above provisions shall be applicable in all cases of the granting of sign permits where such sign is upon, over, or along any street or public highway or within thirty feet of the boundary of any public street or highway. The requirements of insurance as herein contained and set forth shall be in addition to all other requirements of ordinances now in effect.
(Ord. 1664. Passed 1-3-50.)