(a)   In considering applications for franchises, Council shall exercise its discretion as to granting or denying such applications after due consideration of traffic and fire hazards, the character of the district or neighborhood in which the special privilege applied for is to be used and exercised, and such other matters and things as may be pertinent. Such discretion shall not be exercised arbitrarily or unreasonably but only as the public interest may require, and in every instance where an application for a franchise for a special privilege is denied the applicant shall be entitled to a written statement of the reasons for such denials.
   (b)   The provisions of this article shall not in any way alter, amend or change the provisions of existing franchises but the provisions hereof shall apply to the users permitted by existing franchises which are contrary to or in excess of the uses specifically stated in such existing franchises.
   (c)   The provisions of this article shall not apply to any public utility operating under a prior franchise.
(Ord. 1664. Passed 1-3-50.)