A License Exemption Board is created consisting of the City Manager, City Licensing Officer and the City Solicitor. Such Board shall have the power to grant an exemption from, or reduction in, any license or permit fee under this Business Regulation and Taxation Code to any blind or crippled person, or to any veteran of an American war, or to any charitable, religious, civic, political, benevolent or patriotic organization deemed by such Board to merit exemption. No such exemption or reduction shall, however, be granted for a period longer than the current license year, and such licensee shall be given a certificate with the exemption or reduction clearly marked thereon, and the reason therefor. Each exemption or reduction granted under the provisions hereof shall be reported to Council at its next meeting and Council may affirm, qualify or reject any such exemption or reduction. The action of Council shall be final. No license, permit or fee shall be required from any person exempted from Municipal licenses by Federal or State law.
(1961 Code Sec. 701.30)