(a)   Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. No person, who is not a licensee presently possessing an unexpired, unsuspended and unrevoked license granted under the provisions of West Virginia Code Chapter 60 for the sale of alcoholic liquors through the Alcohol Beverage Commissioner and a license for same granted by the City as required by the Codified Ordinances, and the West Virginia Code, within the City shall sell or keep and possess for sale any intoxicating liquors or intoxicating drinks, mixtures and preparations, or sell any intoxicating liquors or intoxicating drinks, mixtures and preparations, to another.
   (b)   Permitting Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. No person, who is not a licensee presently possessing an unexpired, unsuspended and unrevoked license granted under the provisions of West Virginia Code Chapter 60 for the sale of alcoholic liquors through the Alcohol Beverage Commissioner and a license for same granted by the City as required by the Codified Ordinances, and the West Virginia Code, within the City shall permit another to keep for sale any intoxicating liquors or intoxicating drinks, mixtures and preparations, or to sell any intoxicating liquors or intoxicating drinks, mixtures and preparations, on any premises owned or controlled by him or it.
(Ord. 5541. Passed 7-2-74.)
   (c)   Exceptions. The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) hereof shall not apply to the selling, possession for sale, or distribution of alcoholic liquors made pursuant to and in conformity with West Virginia Code Chapter 60 (Liquor Control Act), nor to sales of nonintoxicating beer made pursuant to and in conformity with the provisions of West Virginia Code Article 11-16 (Nonintoxicating Beer Act).
(Ord. 3167. Passed 11-24-64.)