A.   Connection With Public Sanitary Sewer: Where a public sanitary sewer is reasonably accessible, the subdivider shall connect with such sanitary sewer and provide adequate sewer lines to each lot.
   B.   Compliance With State Requirements: Sewer connections and the subdivision sewer system shall comply with the regulations of the Oklahoma state board of health.
   C.   Sewer Installation By Subdivider: Where a sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, but where plans for the installation of sanitary sewers in the vicinity of the subdivision have been prepared and approved by the appropriate agency, the subdivider shall install sewers in conformity with such plans.
   D.   Use Of Private Plant Permitted: Where immediate connection is not possible, and until such connection is made with the sewer system of the district, the use of a private sewage treatment plant may be permitted; provided, such disposal facilities are constructed in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the governing bodies and the Oklahoma state board of health.
   E.   Individual Systems For Each Lot: Where no sewers are accessible and no plans for the same have been prepared, the subdivider shall either install a sewer line and disposal system in accordance with the requirements of subsection D of this section, or if the subdivided lots have a minimum width of one hundred feet (100') with no lot less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet where individual water supply systems are used, and fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet if community water supply system is used, individual sewage disposal devices may be provided for each lot. The planning commission, with the concurring approval of the health department, may adjust these lot requirements in accordance with their findings in the particular subdivision. All such individual systems shall be constructed in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the health department and the state board of health. (Ord., 3-8-1971)