A.   Declaration Of Policy: It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of the city to extend, at the earliest date, to the eligible employees and officials of the city the benefits of the system of federal old age and survivors insurance as authorized by the federal social security act and all amendments thereto 1 . In pursuance of this policy, the officers and employees of the city shall take such action as may be required by applicable state or federal laws or regulations. (1983 Code § 2-601)
   B.   Execution Of Agreement With State Agency: The mayor is authorized and directed to execute all necessary agreements and amendments with the state department of human services to accomplish the provisions of subsection A of this section. (1983 Code § 2-602)
   C.   Withholdings: Withholdings from salaries or wages of employees and officials for the purposes provided in subsection A of this section are hereby authorized to be made in the amounts and at such times as may be required by applicable state and federal laws or regulations, and shall be paid over to the state or federal agency designated by the laws and regulations. (1983 Code § 2-603)
   D.   Contributions: Employer contributions shall be paid from amounts appropriated for these purposes from available funds to the designated state or federal agency in accordance with applicable state or federal laws or regulations. (1983 Code § 2-604)
   E.   Records And Reports: The city shall keep such records and submit such reports as may be required by applicable state or federal laws or regulations. (1983 Code § 2-605)
   F.   Exclusions: Excluded from this section authorizing the extension of social security benefits to city officers and employees are the following:
      1.   Any authority to make any agreement with respect to any position, employee or official now covered or authorized to be covered by any other ordinance creating any retirement system for any employee or official of the city; or
      2.   Any authority to make any agreement with respect to any position, employee or official for which compensation is on a fee basis, or any position, employee or official not authorized to be covered by applicable state or federal laws or regulations. (1983 Code § 2-606)



1. 51 OS 121 et seq.