For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BEER TAVERN. Any tavern, bar, pub, beer joint, café, restaurant, drive-in, pool hall or beer garden, open to the general public where the consumption of non-intoxicating beverages (3.2 beer) on the premises is permitted.
   MANAGER. Any owner, manager, bartender, bar maid, waitress or any other person responsible for the operation of a beer tavern.
   SALE. The sale, preparation or service of ice on non-alcoholic beverages that are sold, prepared or served for the purpose of being mixed with alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises where such sale, preparation or service occurs.
(Ord. 80-1, passed 2-11-1980; Ord. 85-5, passed 7-8-1985)