(A) The average monthly payment plan is based on a 12-month average, to be recalculated once a year (usually in January) to keep the average accurate. The city determines the fixed monthly payments.
(B) To be accepted for the AMP Plan, a customer must meet the following requirements:
(1) A residential customer at the same address for the previous 12 months;
(2) A satisfactory payment record, meaning no more than two late payments in the previous 12 months; and
(3) The account is paid in full at the time the plan begins.
(C) This agreement is extended with the understanding that all active and inactive accounts are to be kepi in good standing on a current payment basis. If the account is not paid by the due date (tenth of each month), the customer will be removed from the average monthly-billing and the total account will be due. However, one late payment will be allowed for any given 12-month period.
(D) If this agreement is cancelled by the city or if a customer withdraws from the plan, the customer will not be eligible to enter into another contract for average billing for one full year.
(E) If the account has a credit balance, this balance can not be used for payment unless the customer withdraws from the plan.
(Ord. 2011-10, passed 12-12-2011)