(A)   Due dates and late charges. All bills for utility services shall be due and payable on the first day of the calendar month following the service month when service was rendered. The bill shall become delinquent if not paid on or before the tenth of the month in which it becomes due. A 5% penalty, up to a maximum of $5, shall be charged on delinquent bills after the tenth of the month.
   (B)   Deferred payment agreements. Customers will be allowed three deferred payment arrangements in a calendar year. However, the deferral must be made prior to disconnect day. No customer will be allowed to sign an agreement if his, her or their outstanding balance is more than $400, without prior approval from the City Manager. Any customer not honoring his, her or their deferred payment arrangement will be disconnected immediately without notice.
   (C)   Cut-off notices. Cut-off notices will be mailed to all customers with outstanding balances on the fifteenth day of the month, regardless of deferred payment arrangements. All utilities may be shut off or disconnected when the bill remains unpaid by 3:00 p.m. on the twentieth day of the month in which it becomes due, as stated on the bill. The city shall not be responsible for notices not received by the customer.
   (D)   Disconnection procedures. Disconnect procedures begin at 8:00 a.m. on the twenty-fifth of every month unless the twenty-fifth falls on a weekend; in which case, it will be 8:00 a.m. of the following Monday. Aa stated above, no deferred payment arrangements will be accepted on disconnect day. The city shall not be held responsible for any damages due to interruption of services.
   (E)   Reconnection fees and procedures. If any utility service be disconnected for non-payment, no services may be reconnected until the full amount of any outstanding utility service bill is paid, plus a reconnection fee of $40. All connections will only be done on regular working horns.
   (F)   Meter tampering. If any meters are discovered to have been tampered with, tampering with a public utility charges will be filed with the city’s Police Department. All lines must be paid before utilities can be reconnected.
(Ord. 2005-6, passed 10-10-2005)