(A) All permits outlined in this chapter may be subject to inspection by an authorized municipal inspector prior, or subsequent, to issuance.
(1) Any inspection conducted shall occur at a time scheduled and approved by both the applicant or permit holder and the municipal inspector.
(2) The applicant or permit holder will be required to be present during the inspection.
(B) The smell or noxious odor emitted from cultivation or consumption of marijuana by a person possessing a valid state-issued medical marijuana license shall be treated as a public nuisance.
(C) Smoking, vaping or using marijuana shall be prohibited on all city property including vehicles, buildings, parks or other facilities.
(D) All structures, equipment and apparatuses of all permit holders shall comply with all building and fire codes adopted by the state and the city.
(E) A medical marijuana business license application shall be filled out and signed by the property and business owner and submitted to the City Clerk for processing a permit request.
(F) The permit fee shall be paid at the time the application is submitted and shall be non-refundable to the applicant.
(G) The following documents shall be attached to the application for permit:
(1) A list of owner(s) of the entity requesting the permit; if an owner is an LLC, corporation or other business formation, a list of owners of such entity(ies) shall be provided;
(2) Proof of any distance requirement for the permit;
(3) An existing floor plan, and proposed if applicable, of the facility; and
(4) An affidavit that states the facility meets, or will meet, all standards set forth in this chapter prior to being open for regular business.
(Ord. 2021-04, passed 7-12-2021)
(A) The City Clerk or a designee shall revoke or suspend a permit issued under this section on any of the following grounds:
(1) The permit was procured by fraudulent conduct or false statement of a material fact or a fact concerning the applicant was not disclosed at the time of his or her application, and such fact would have constituted just cause for refusal to issue the permit; or
(2) A violation of city ordinances, state laws or other regulations governing medical marijuana.
(B) Prior to suspension or revocation, the permittee shall be given notice of the proposed action to be taken and shall have an opportunity to be heard before the Board of Trustees. If an employee has been designated by the Board of Trustees, such employee shall make a report to the Board of Trustees together with a recommendation as to whether the permit should be suspended or revoked.
(Ord. 2021-04, passed 7-12-2021)