It is unlawful for any professional dancer, model, or performer, while performing in any sexually oriented business use licensed pursuant to this chapter, including principal and accessory uses:
   A.   To touch any patron's breasts, buttocks or groin area or to receive money from a patron unless given hand to hand from a patron to the performer;
   B.   Except as otherwise set forth herein, to accept any money, drink or any other object from any patron while performing; or
   C.   To allow a patron to touch such performer's breast, buttocks or groin area or to place any money or object on the performer or within the costume or person of the performer; or
   D.   To perform in an area other than on a stage raised to a height of not less than three feet (3') with the stage separated by a setback area of a distance of not less than three feet (3') from any customer observation area measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the stage to the nearest point of customer observation. The patrons shall remain at least three feet (3') from the performers and the performers shall remain on the setback stage area at least three feet (3') from any customer observation area.
The foregoing prohibitions shall not prohibit two (2) or more performers from touching each other while performing provided such touching does not involve the touching of specified anatomical areas. (Ord. 2006-02, 6-6-2006)