(A) The Town Council, when utilizing an agenda, shall post a copy of the agenda at the entrance to the location of the meeting prior to the meeting. A rule, regulation, ordinance or other final action adopted by reference to agenda number or item alone is void.
(I.C. 5-14-1.5-4(a))
(B) The agenda of the Town Council regular meeting shall possess the following elements.
(1) The agenda shall describe whether or not the meeting is a regular, special or adjourned meeting.
(2) It shall state the date, day, year and time of the meeting.
(3) It shall include the names of the members of the Town Council, listed in ward order.
(C) The agenda of the Town Council regular meeting shall possess the following orders of business as may be applicable:
(1) Opening ceremony or exercises. This item of business may include posting of colors, pledge of allegiance and any other element that the Town Council may determine appropriate;
(2) Roll call and ascertainment of quorum. This item of business shall be conducted by a formal roll call conducted by the reading aloud of Town Council names in ward order. It may be conducted as a silent roll call as well;
(3) Action on minutes of previous meeting(s). Minutes shall not be read aloud before action, unless the Town Council so directs. The Town Council may approve minutes by general consent;
(4) Special orders. This item of business may include such matters as may require public hearings, administration of oaths of office, special presentations, matters that require action at a particular meeting, and such things as may be made special orders as parliamentary practice or the proper officers may determine appropriate;
(5) Communications. This item of business involves the reading of letters, petitions or memos that may be transmitted to the Town Council and may include taking action on matters raised in the communications as may be appropriate or desirable;
(6) Receipt of staff reports. This item of business shall include receipt of the monthly reports from or regarding the activities of the building and inspection department, the fire department, workplace safety, and such reports as may from time to time be deemed necessary or desirable;
(7) Appointments. This item of business involves the making of appointments to various boards and commissions as state law or ordinances of the town may from time to time require. When listing items, the agenda should distinguish appointments that are made by the town executive from those that are made by the Town Council as legislative or fiscal body of the town;
(8) Unfinished business and general orders. This item of business involves matters that may have been introduced in a previous meeting but unfinished and such matters as may be placed before the Town Council for its consideration, such as ordinances, resolutions, orders and other matters deemed appropriate under state law, ordinances and parliamentary practice;
(9) New business. This item of business is confined to announcements of intention to bring a future action, or requests for the preparation of legislative work product for future consideration. No ordinances, resolutions or orders may be brought before the Town Council without the unanimous vote of the members present. In no instance may a matter for final action be taken up under this item of business;
(10) Comments from Town Council membership (good of the order). This item of business is to permit members of the legislative body to offer such comments, informal observations or remarks that each Councilor may deem appropriate, desirable or as likely to promote the general welfare, or the good of the order. Councilors shall be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking. Councilors may be recognized to speak in ward order with the Town Council President allowed to speak last;
(11) Comments from the public or visitors. This item of business is to permit persons to address the Town Council. Persons wishing to speak should be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking. Depending on the nature of the comments, the Town Council may direct the staff to address the topic or follow up on matters that may arise from public comments. If necessary, the matter may be set for action at a future meeting. Persons addressing the Town Council are requested to limit their presentations to two minutes and encouraged to avoid repetitious comments;
(12) Consideration of accounts payable vouchers. This item of business is to allow the Town Council to consider and take action on accounts payable vouchers filed according to the provisions of I.C. 5-11-10 et seq. and I.C. 36-5-4 et seq.; and
(13) Adjournment. At the conclusion of all items of business, the Town Council President may declare the meeting adjourned or he or she may seek a motion from the Town Council for adjournment. This item of business should be understood according to parliamentary authority.
(D) The agenda of any Town Council special meeting shall possess the preceding orders of business as may be applicable.
(E) The agenda of any regular or special meeting shall be prepared by the Clerk-Treasurer. The Town Council President shall review and may approve matters for placement on the agenda. The agenda prepared according to this section shall be deemed to be fixed and will not require further action by the Town Council. The agenda may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the entire Town Council.
(F) The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to establish filing deadlines for matters to be placed on the agenda of a particular meeting. The Town Council shall reserve the authority to modify any deadline except where filing is governed by law.