§ 153.455 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this section is to provide the opportunity for operation and establishment of sexually-oriented establishments while providing controls that limit the negative impacts of sexually-oriented establishments on residential and commercial areas, and protecting the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city.
   (B)   The nature of sexually-oriented establishments is such that they are recognized as having adverse secondary characteristics, particularly when they are accessible to minors and located near residential property or related residential uses such as schools, day care centers, libraries or parks.
   (C)   Furthermore, the concentration of sexually-oriented establishments has an adverse effect upon the use and enjoyment of adjacent areas. The nature of sexually-oriented establishments requires that they not be allowed within certain zoning districts or within minimum distances from each other or residential uses.
   (D)   Special regulation of sexually-oriented establishments is necessary to ensure that the adverse secondary effects will not contribute to or enhance criminal activity in the area of the uses nor will it contribute to the blighting or depreciation of surrounding property.
(Ord. passed 10-11-1963)