Within the B-4 Shopping Center District, no structure or land shall be used for the following uses except by conditional use permit:
   (A)   Any conditional use regulated in the B-3 District, § 153.171 with the exception of car washes, and vehicle repair, minor;
   (B)   Amusement establishments;
   (C)   Automatic vending devices not enclosed in a structure;
   (D)   Discount stores;
   (E)   Gun sales and repair;
   (F)   Motels, motor hotels and hotels if the site contains less than 600 square feet of area per unit;
   (G)   Newspaper and/or magazine stands;
   (H)   Used merchandise stores;
   (I)   Alternative financial establishments, provided all of the following conditions are met.
      (1)   The establishment is located at least 800 feet when measured in a straight line from the building in which the establishment is located, to the property line from alternative financial establishments, pawnshops, adult uses, body art establishments, bingo halls, used merchandise stores and discount stores.
      (2)   The establishment does not use bars, chains or similar security devices that are visible from the public street or sidewalk.
   (J)   Learning centers, business or trade schools when conducted entirely within a building.
   (K)   Automotive detailing, provided that the building in which the use is located is setback a minimum of 400 feet from Robert Street, and that the use does not front Robert Street.
(Ord. 17-15, passed 12-11-2017; Ord. 17-07, passed 6-26-2017; Ord. 18-18, passed 11-26-2018; Ord. 22-003, passed 2-28-2022)