(A)   Designated streets. Permittees may move a building only over streets designated in the written permit.
   (B)   Changes. Permittees must notify the Building Official in writing of a desired change in moving date and hours as proposed in the application.
   (C)   Damage. Permittees must notify the Building Official of any and all damage done to property belonging to the city within 24 hours after the damage or injury has occurred.
   (D)   Warning signals. Permittees must display warning lights on every side of the building at night and warning flags during the day while the building is being moved or standing on a street, to warn the public of the obstruction, and must, where necessary, erect and maintain barricades across the streets to protect the public from damage or injury.
   (E)   Time limit. Permittees must remove the building from the city streets in the time specified in the permit, unless the city grants an extension.
   (F)   Police protection. Permittees must pay the expense of a traffic officer, if ordered by the Police Chief, to accompany the movement of the building to protect the public from injury.
   (G)   Restoration of premises. Permittees must remove all rubbish and materials and fill all excavations to existing grade at the original building site, when located in the city, so that the premises are left in a safe and sanitary condition.
(2001 Code, § 420.11)