Composting is permitted in residential zoned districts, provided the following regulations are complied with:
   (A)   Composting must be conducted within an enclosed container, not to exceed a total of 100 cubic feet in volume for city lots of 10,000 square feet or less and 150 cubic feet for lots of greater area than 10,000 square feet. The containers must be constructed of durable material such as wood, plastic, fiberglass or metal fencing material. Plastic bags or paper bags are not allowed.
   (B)   Only organic waste, including food and yard waste, wood, ash, straw and commercially available compost ingredients to accelerate composting may be placed in the compost container.
   (C)   Prohibited materials. The following materials must not be placed in a composting container: meat, bones, whole eggs, dairy products, unshredded branches or logs, weeds heavily loaded with seeds, plastic, synthetic fiber, human or pet wastes, diseased plants, any other mixed or non-mixed municipal solid waste.
   (D)   Compost must be properly managed to minimize odor generation and promote effective decomposition of the material.
   (E)   The compost container must be located in the rear yard and placed no closer than 30 feet from any habitable building, 20 feet from the street on a corner lot and at least five feet from the side and rear yard lines.
(2001 Code, § 600.15) (Ord. 21-001, passed 1-11-2021)