(A)   Parking restrictions for the public right-of-way.
      (1)   No parking, stopping, standing, bus stop zones; other special zones.
         (a)   No obstruction of mailboxes or driveways. It is unlawful to park any vehicle in such a way as to obstruct a mailbox or driveway. The parking of a vehicle within ten feet of a mailbox or within five feet of a driveway is considered an obstruction and is a violation of this section.
         (b)   The City Council may, by resolution, designate certain streets or portions of streets as “no parking,” “no stopping,” “no standing” or “bus stop” zones and may limit the hours in which the restrictions apply.
         (c)   Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or a traffic control device, no person may stop or park a vehicle in an established no stopping, no standing or bus stop zone.
         (d)   No vehicle may be parked in a no-parking zone during hours when parking is prohibited. No vehicle, except a bus, may be parked or standing in a bus stop zone.
      (2)   Time limit parking zones. The Council may, by resolution, designate certain areas where the right to park is limited during specified hours. No person may park a vehicle in any limited parking zone for a longer period than so specified on a posted sign.
      (3)   Permit parking zones. No person may park a vehicle in a permit parking zone without first obtaining and displaying the proper permit.
         (a)   Petitioned permit parking zones.
            1.   In order to establish a permanent permit parking zone, 70% of the residents and/or businesses who have an address within the proposed permit parking zone must sign and file a written petition with the City Clerk containing the following information:
               a.   The specific streets, blocks or area that should be included in the permit parking zone, with a map depicting the proposed permit parking zone;
               b.   The hours during which the parking permit should be enforced;
               c.   The necessity for the permit parking zone; and
               d.   The printed names, addresses and signatures of 70% of the property owners or adult occupants of properties within the proposed permit parking zone. For purposes of calculating 70% only one signature shall be counted per property or per legal address.
            2.   Council consideration. Upon receipt of a valid petition, the city shall notify all property owners and occupants, if known, within the proposed permit parking zone, as well as those property owners within 350 feet of the proposed permit parking zone of the date and time that the petition will be considered by the Council. After a hearing, the Council may approve, modify or deny the permit parking zone in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city. If approved, a permit parking zone establishing the boundaries of the zone and hours of enforcement will be adopted by City Council resolution.
            3.   Permanent parking permits. Upon application to the Police Department, owners and occupants who reside at a property address that is within an approved permit parking zone, may be issued a parking permit. The applicant must identify the vehicles to which the parking permit will be permanently affixed by make, model and license plate number, and pay the appropriate fee. The vehicles must register to the same property address for which the parking permit is being requested. Employees who park work vehicles at their residence may provide proof of residency at that address and proof of employment as sufficient documentation for a permanent parking permit. The parking permits shall be valid as long as the owner or occupant resides at the property that is within the permit parking zone.
            4.   Temporary parking permits in permanent parking zones. Owners and occupants who reside at a property address that is in the permit parking zone may apply for a temporary parking permit on behalf of their guests. The applicant must identify the dates for which the temporary parking permit is requested, and pay the appropriate fee. The dates shall be listed on the temporary parking permit, which must be prominently displayed in the vehicle.
            5.   The Council may establish appropriate fees by City Council resolution to recover the costs associated with consideration and implementation of a permit parking zone.
         (b)   Temporary permit parking only zones or temporary no-parking zones. For the temporary placement of obstructions in the right-of-way, such as a temporary outdoor storage container, pursuant to § 92.02(D) or for parking for an event of limited duration requiring an unusual amount of on-street parking, property owners or tenants may apply for temporary permit parking signs or temporary no-parking signs pursuant to this section.
            1.   Applications shall be reviewed and may be approved by the Police Department according to the following process:
               a.   Written applications must be submitted to the police department at least ten days prior to the dates requested and it must be completed by the property owner or tenant who is requesting temporary signs for right-of-way that is immediately adjacent to the applicant's property. If the temporary signs are to be located on property that is not immediately adjacent to the applicant's property, the applicant must provide written permission of the property owners who abut the right-of-way being requested.
               b.   A minimum of two signs will be required. The city shall require additional signs for every 20 feet of right-of-way needed for the permit parking or no-parking zone, as determined by the city.
               c.   The applicant shall pas for the costs of the signs as set forth in the city's fee schedule, and payment must be submitted prior to installation of the signs.
               d.   The temporary signs shall only be posted during the dates of the event as indicated on the application, which shall not exceed two weeks.
            2.   The city shall install and remove the signs.
            3.   No applications under this section shall be approved between December 1 through February 28.
            4.   All owners of vehicles parking in a temporary permit parking zone shall comply with snow emergency declarations and move their vehicles accordingly.
            5.   All owners of vehicles parking in a temporary permit parking zone shall prominently display the permit sticker issued by the city.
            6.   The city reserves the right to deny or revoke any temporary permit parking or no-parking requests to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.
            7.   Vehicles parked in violation of this section shall be subject to removal by the city.
      (4)   Prima facie violation. The presence of any motor vehicle on any street when standing or parked in violation of this section is prima facie evidence that the registered owner of the vehicle committed or authorized the commission of the violation.
   (B)   Parking restrictions for private property. The outside parking and storage on residentially-zoned property of large numbers of vehicles and vehicles, materials, supplies or equipment not customarily used for residential purposes in violation of the requirements set forth below is declared to be a public nuisance because it: obstructs views on streets and private property; creates cluttered and otherwise unsightly areas; prevents the full use of residential streets for residential parking; introduces commercial advertising signs into areas where commercial advertising signs are otherwise prohibited; decreases adjoining landowners’ and occupants’ enjoyment of their property and neighborhood; and otherwise adversely affects property values and neighborhood patterns.
      (1)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to preserve and protect residential districts from the intrusion of objects of a size and appearance as to cause interference with sight lines, access to structures by emergency vehicles and personnel, unsightly clutter and to prevent visual obstruction that is inconsistent with the intent of the provisions of the zoning and subdivision ordinances.
      (2)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT or RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. Recreational equipment or recreational vehicles means any of the following:
            1.   Boats and canoes;
            2.   All terrain vehicles (ATVs);
            3.   Snowmobiles;
            4.   Noncommercial utility trailers and trailers for the transportation of boats, canoes, snowmobiles and ATVs, or other such similar vehicles;
            5.   Travel campers or house trailers;
            6.   Motor homes and motor vehicles designed, constructed or used to provide temporary movable living quarters; or
            7.   Slip-in camper tops attached or detached from pick-up trucks.
      (3)   Number of motor vehicles. The owner or occupant of premises occupied as single-family residential may not maintain or keep more than four motor vehicles, including recreational vehicles, continuously parked or stored outdoors on public or private property.
      (4)   Parking surfaces. All parking surfaces for the parking or storage of motor vehicles, including recreational vehicles, must be of concrete-type or asphalt.
      (5)   Recreational vehicles.
         (a)   No more than one non-oversized (less than 25 feet, as measured from the tongue to the rear) travel camper, house trailer, motor home, motor vehicle designed, constructed or used to provide temporary movable living quarters or slip-in camper top attached or detached from a pick-up truck may be parked or stored on single-family residential property.
         (b)   No more than one non-oversized (less than 20 feet, as measured from the tongue to the rear) noncommercial utility trailer or trailer for the transportation of boats, canoes, snowmobiles and ATVs or other such similar vehicle may be parked or stored on single-family residential property.
         (c)   No recreational vehicle shall be permanently affixed to the parking surface in a manner that would prevent its removal.
         (d)   No recreational vehicle shall be used for living, sleeping or housing purposes, whether on public or private property.
         (e)   All recreational vehicles shall be in good, operable condition and properly licensed for operation.
         (f)   All recreational vehicles shall be registered to the property owner or occupant on which the recreational vehicles are stored.
         (g)   Noncommercial utility trailers that are loaded with a boat, snowmobile, ATV or similar vehicle shall be counted as one recreational vehicle (trailer plus vehicle) for purposes of calculating the total number of vehicles per premises.
         (h)   A travel camper, house trailer, motor home, motor vehicle designed, constructed or used to provide temporary movable living quarters or slip-in camper top attached or detached from a pick-up truck that is longer than 25 feet in length must obtain a special permit from the City Council to be parked or stored on residential property. No fee shall be required for such permit.
         (i)   Residents will have until January 1, 2017 to comply with divisions (B)(5)(a), (B)(5)(b) and (B)(5)(h) above. All other provisions shall require compliance upon adoption.
      (6)   Exterior storage of items other than a boat, snowmobile, ATV or similar item on a noncommercial utility trailer is prohibited.
      (7)   No camp car, trailer, motor vehicle, tent or other temporary structure may be parked or placed upon any public street or on any public or private premises in the city and used as a shelter or enclosure of persons and their effects for the purpose of living therein.
(Ord. 16-08, passed 6-27-2016; Ord. 16-09, passed 8-8-2016; Ord. 17-10, passed 7-24-2017; Ord. 18-06, passed 3-12-2018; Ord. 18-13, passed 10-8-2018; Ord. 19-04, passed 3-25-2019)