(A) The provisions of the State Competitive Public Bidding Act of 1974, 61 O.S. §§ 101 et seq., are incorporated into this section as if fully restated herein. The Town Board of Trustees shall contract for and purchase, or issue purchase authorization for, all supplies, material and equipment for the operation of the municipal government. For contracts involving amounts in excess of $50,000, the Town Board of Trustees shall submit the contracts to competitive public bidding pursuant to the procedure prescribed by the State Competitive Public Bidding Act.
(B) The Town Board of Trustees may purchase, or authorize the purchase of, the following without giving an opportunity for competitive public bidding:
(1) Supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services of a nonprofessional nature, the cost of which does not exceed $50,000;
(2) Supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services which can be furnished only by a single dealer, or which has a uniform price wherever bought;
(3) Supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services purchased from another unit of government at a price deemed below that obtainable from private dealers (including war surplus);
(4) Contractual services (gas, electricity, telephone service, and the like) purchased from a public utility corporation, commission, or other government authority; or
(5) Contractual services of a professional nature such as engineering, legal, architectural, and medical services, subject to other policies adopted by the Town Board of Trustees governing procurement.
(C) The Town Clerk/Treasurer is hereby designated as the Municipal Purchasing Agent, and is authorized to issue purchase orders for the purpose of obtaining supplies, materials, and equipment or contractual services that do not exceed the maximum amount allowed by state law in a single transaction.
(D) Subject to the provisions of state law and this section, surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment belonging to the town may be sold by the Town Board of Trustees.
(E) No such sale of surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment shall be made under this section until the Town Board of Trustees has declared the supplies, materials, and equipment involved to be surplus or obsolete.
(Prior Code, Ch. 7, Art. 1, § 1)
(A) The Town Board of Trustees may insure municipal property, as authorized by the state statutes. Any money received as a result of destruction, damages, or loss of such insured property shall be accounted for, and used as provided by said statutes.
(B) The Town Board of Trustees may purchase insurance to pay damages to persons sustaining injuries or damages to property as a result of negligent operation of motor vehicles or motorized equipment of the town.
(C) The Town Board of Trustees may provide hospital, health, and medical insurance, through any company authorized to do business in the state, for any or all of its officers or employees and their dependents, whether said officers or employees are engaged in governmental or non-governmental functions of the town. The Town Board of Trustees may pay a portion of all of said premiums from any municipal funds and may deduct from the wages or salary of any such officer or employee, upon written authority signed by the officer or employee, amounts for the payment of all or any portion of the monthly premium for same.
(Prior Code, Ch. 7, Art. 1, § 2)
(A) There is hereby created and established a Capital Improvements Fund for the town which shall not be subject to fiscal operations.
(B) The proceeds of said fund, together with any interest thereon, may, at the discretion of the Town Board of Trustees, be used for the following purposes only:
(1) To meet principal and interest requirements on general obligation bonds;
(2) When general obligation bond requirements are met, to make cash expenditures for capital improvements or equipment for street, electric, water, storm drainage, or sewer purposes; or
(3) Where transfers from said fund or any part thereof to a sinking fund or other appropriate municipal or trust fund are necessary to accomplish such purpose, the Town Board is authorized to make such transfer of funds.
(Prior Code, Ch. 7, Art. 1, § 3)