(A) Spot lights and beacons. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or erect any attraction device or sign which contains a beacon of any type and/or contains a spot light providing direct illumination to the public.
(B) Electronic message boards. ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD shall include any sign or structure which provides for text or background color changes, or the illusion of action, motion, or movement, through illumination via sequencing bulbs, light emitting diodes, or other electronic means.
(1) An electronic message display board that is readily visible to drivers of vehicles on any public way must have characters of sufficient size to be easily discerned and must not constitute a safety hazard by distraction of drivers.
(2) Blinking, flashing, or pulsing illumination, or display of continuously moving pictures via electronic message boards shall not be allowed; provided, however, that the following shall not be deemed a violation of this section:
(a) Displays of vertically or horizontally scrolling text;
(b) Variation of background luminescent intensity or color at intervals of greater than once per second;
(c) Nighttime displays shall be dimmed to one-half or less of the daytime display wattage;
(d) Electronic message boards shall not be permitted within 200 feet of any residence district; and
(e) No more than one electronic message board with two sides shall be permitted per lot of record.
(C) Warning and official signs, lights, and beacons. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any flashing or alternating signs, beacons, warning signals, or similar devices required by the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or other governmental entity.
(Ord. 16-03-01, passed 3-8-2016) Penalty, see § 154.99