(A)   Every pawnbroker shall keep a register, in which shall be recorded an adequate description of all property purchased, taken, or received, including any number that may be thereon. The following information shall be recorded in the register:
      (1)   The date when all property is received;
      (2)   The name of the person leaving the property;
      (3)   The address of said person; and
      (4)   The time when the loan is to become due.
   (B)   The pawnbroker shall give, without charge to the person leaving or pledging property, a legible ticket containing a true copy of all entries made in the register concerning the property left or pledged.
   (C)   The register herein required to be kept shall be subject to inspection at any time by the Chief of Police, any police officer, the County Sheriff, or any Deputy Sheriff, the Town Attorney, the District Attorney, or any person authorized in writing to make such inspection by the Chief of Police. Upon request, the pawnbroker will show to such officer or person for inspection any article or articles purchased, taken, or received, unless such article or articles have already been disposed of.
(Prior Code, Ch. 5, Art. 6, § 55) Penalty, see § 117.99