(A) (1) A PRIVATE CLUB, for the purposes hereof, is defined as any person, firm, corporation, or association maintaining, operating, leasing, licensing, or otherwise furnishing to or for the use of its members any premises or place whereon such members may engage in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as defined by the statutes of the state, either for a fee, or for any other considerations, including the sale of food, mixers, ice, or any other fluids for the use of consumption with alcoholic beverages or wherein the space for storage of alcoholic beverages is furnished.
(2) The term PRIVATE CLUB shall be deemed to include key clubs, bottle clubs, locker clubs, pool clubs, country clubs, business clubs, social clubs, or any other kind of club or association which excludes the general public from its premises or place of meeting or congregating, and which exercises control over any place where persons are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages other than in a private home.
(3) For the purposes of this subchapter, PRIVATE CLUBS shall be divided into two classes, having the characteristics and qualifications as hereinabove set forth, to be known as CLASS A PRIVATE CLUBS and CLASS B PRIVATE CLUBS, which notwithstanding the special qualifications, shall be the definition hereinabove set forth.
(B) CLASS A PRIVATE CLUBS shall include those clubs, associations, or corporations falling within the general term PRIVATE CLUB as defined in division (A) above, which are charitable, eleemosynary, educational, to these characteristics, CLASS A PRIVATE CLUBS shall be only those clubs, associations, or corporations which hold and maintain an income-exempt status under the regulations and rulings of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States, and no Class A license shall be issued except upon production of evidence satisfactory to the chief of police of the town that the applicant falls within the requirements for a CLASS A PRIVATE CLUB.
(C) CLASS B PRIVATE CLUBS shall be all other clubs, associations, or corporations operating as a private club under the definition set forth in division (A) above, the operation of which constitutes a commercial venture, and which club, association, or corporation does not hold or maintain an income tax-exempt status under the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States.
(Prior Code, Ch. 2, Art. 4, § 31)