(A)   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      CHILD. An individual under the age of 16 years.
      CHILD CARE CENTERS. A general term which shall include day care centers and family day care centers.
      DAY CARE CENTERS. A facility which provides care for three or more children for six or more hours of the 24-hour day. This does not include nursery schools, kindergartens, or other facilities for which the purpose is primarily educational, recreational, or medical treatment.
         (a)   A family home that provides care and protection for five or fewer children for part of the 24-hour day.
         (b)   This definition does not include informal arrangements which parents make independently with neighbors, friends, or others; neither does this definition include caretakers within the children’s own home.
   (B)   All other words shall be defined according to appropriate state law.
(Prior Code, Ch. 5, Art. 4, § 31)