(A)   No person shall drive or convey through any street any vehicle, the width, height, length, weight, or load of which exceeds that authorized by state laws, except in accordance with a permit issued by state authority.
   (B)   (1)   The Town Board of Trustees may prescribe routes through the municipality for the use of trucks and/or other vehicles, which are not ordinary private passenger vehicles, passing through the town.
      (2)   When it is necessary for vehicles of the class described in division (A) above to travel to and from a location on any of the town’s public streets, alleys, or places for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise, or the provision of necessary services at such location, the route traveled shall be as short and direct as possible from and to the most available, legally designed truck route or state or federal highway.
   (C)   (1)   The Town Board of Trustees shall see that appropriate and adequate signs are placed along such routes so that drivers of such vehicles may follow the routes.
      (2)   When such signs are erected and in place, the driver of a truck or other vehicle for which a route has been so prescribed, while passing through the town, shall keep on such route and shall not deviate therefrom, except in case of emergency.
(Prior Code, Ch. 18, Art. 4, § 42) Penalty, see § 73.99