(A)   The address shall be placed in a manner to ensure prompt identification of apartment buildings from the nearest fronting road or parking area, depending upon the location and placement of each particular apartment building.
   (B)   The addresses shall be clearly visible and kept free and clear of any obstructions hindering reasonable visibility from the nearest fronting road or parking area.
   (C)   The numbers shall be in standard Arabic form of a size at least three inches by two inches, or larger if necessary to be visible from the nearest fronting road or parking area, and in a color distinguishable from its background, with the exception that existing posted numerals shall be acceptable hereunder if so visible as to adequately identify each apartment building.
   (D)   In the event that apartment buildings located in a complex or elsewhere are not clearly visible from the nearest public thoroughfare, the owner of any apartment buildings shall use a system of identification that is reasonably calculated to be readily identifiable by public service and emergency personnel. The County Code Enforcement Officer or his or her authorized representative shall have the authority to approve any identification system proposed in writing by apartment building owners. The written approval obtained from the County Code Enforcement Officer shall be prima facie evidence of compliance with this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 95.03) Penalty, see § 95.99