(A)   The city shall maintain an impound lot for the storage of each automobile, motorcycle, truck and other miscellaneous vehicles impounded within the city.
   (B)   The lot shall have storage facilities available to house all vehicles towed by contract wreckers.
   (C)   The impound lot shall be secured in such a manner as to preclude tampering with vehicles stored therein and the city shall be required to take all necessary steps to prevent damage to vehicles while in the custody of the city.
   (D)   The city shall charge a storage fee of $25 per day for each day of impoundment.
   (E)   Per contract with towing company, the city will pay all towing fees.
   (F)   In addition to storage fees, vehicles released from impoundment by the city shall be subject to an administrative fee payable to the city in the amount of $25 for each automobile, motorcycle, truck and other miscellaneous vehicle released. In the event that the total amount of towing, storage and administrative fees accumulated for an impounded vehicle under this section exceeds the fair market value of the impounded vehicle, the owner or authorized agent of the owner shall pay the city in an amount equal to the fair market value of said vehicle to release the vehicle from impoundment, subject to the approval of the Mayor.
   (G)   This fee must be paid in full by cash or credit/debit card before the vehicle will be released from impoundment.
   (H)   Vehicles will only be released to owner during the business hours of City Hall, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
   (I)   Day one of charges starts the first day of impoundment.
   (J)   If within ten business days of impoundment the motor vehicle has not been claimed, or a hearing has not been requested pursuant to KRS 82.625, notice shall be mailed by certified mail to the registered owner if known, and to lien holder(s) of record if any, affording the parties the right to claim the vehicle within ten days from the date of notice or request a hearing pursuant to KRS 82.625. The notice shall state that if no hearing is requested, the vehicle shall be deemed abandoned unless the charges thereon are paid within 45 days of receipt of notice. Owner shall pay full amount of tow bill in order to receive belongings from vehicle.
   (K)    After 45 days from the date of notice required by KRS 186.020, an impounded motor vehicle shall be deemed abandoned and the vehicle shall escheat to that law enforcement agency.
   (L)   If the vehicle is judged suitable for use, the law enforcement agency may obtain a certificate of registration and ownership from the County Clerk pursuant to KRS 186.020, and may either use the motor vehicle for governmental purposes or sell the motor vehicle at public auction to the highest bidder. However, if the motor vehicle is not suitable for use, it may be sold for scrap or junk value. If sold to the highest bidder, the seller shall provide to the purchaser documentation confirming that the general notice procedures for public sale in compliance with KRS Chapter 424 were followed.
(Prior Code, § 72.25) (Ord. 2018-15, passed 11-12-2018)