For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CSS. The combined sewer system, or the sewer system that carries a mixture of stormwater and sanitary sewage during and immediately after rain events.
      (1)   Any drain or conveyance, whether on the surface or subsurface, which allows an illegal discharge to enter the storm drain system including but not limited to any conveyances which allow any non-stormwater discharge including sewage, process wastewater and wash water to enter the storm drain system and any connections to the storm drain system from indoor drains and sinks, regardless of whether said drain or connection had been previously allowed, permitted or approved by an authorized
enforcement agency; or
      (2)   Any drain or conveyance connected from a commercial or industrial land use to the storm drain system which has not been documented in plans, maps or equivalent records and approved by an authorized enforcement agency.
   ILLICIT DISCHARGE. The act of depositing pollutants into the MS4 and/or the CSS.
   KEPSC. The Kentucky Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Program, which is a group consisting of the MS4 communities throughout the commonwealth, created to establish equity throughout the commonwealth in the training and qualification of inspectors and plan preparers.
   KPDES. The Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
   MCM. A minimum control measure, which is the least action required to obtain the goals as set forth in the KPDES permit.
   MS4. The municipal separate storm sewer system, or the conveyance system that carries only stormwater, and not sanitary sewage.
   NOD. A notice of deficiency, which will be defined as the written notice given to a person or entity by the city upon the first violation of this subchapter. The violator of this subchapter shall be given a set time period to make corrective actions to repair the system.
   NOI. The notice of intent of a construction project, as defined in the KPDES permit.
   NOT. The notice of termination of a construction project, as defined in the KPDES permit.
   NOV. A notice of violation, which will be defined as the subsequent written notices, after the NOD given to a person or entity by the city after repeated violations of this subchapter have occurred. The violator of this subchapter shall be given a reasonable time period to make corrective actions to repair the system prior to stop work orders, fines and/or mandated incarceration.
   PERSON. Any natural person, or any firm, proprietorship, association, corporation or other public or private organization.
   POLLUTANTS. Includes paint, oil or any petroleum-based substances, toxic chemicals or hazardous materials and substances, solid or human waste, untreated sewage or any substance, the exposure to which is deemed harmful to humans, animals or the environment under federal or state law.
   PRIVATE STORM SEWER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Any manhole, drainage inlet, catch basin, ditch, creek, stream, water course, drainage conduit, sewer, pond, lake, drainage way, retention basin or topographical configuration which acts to channel the course of stormwater flow across privately owned property, or any combination of the above, or all other natural or human-made outlets which empty into any of the above which carry storm and surface water and drainage but does not fall within a dedicated and/or platted right-of-way, drainage easement or utility easement. These systems are not to be maintained by the city.
   PUBLIC STORM SEWER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Any approved and dedicated manhole, drainage inlet, public right-of-way, including curb and gutter, catch basin, ditch, creek, stream, water course, drainage conduit, sewer, pond, lake, drainage easement, retention basin or topographical configuration which acts to channel the course of stormwater flow across publicly or privately owned property, or any combination of the above, or all other approved and dedicated natural or human-made outlets which empty into any of the above drainage system which carry storm, surface water and drainage which fall within a dedicated right-of-way, drainage easement or utility easement. These systems are to be maintained by the city.
   QUALIFIED INSPECTOR. An individual who has successfully completed the KEPSC qualified inspector training program and has scored a passing grade on the exam, or has obtained a similar qualification from a similar accredited program on the state or national level. Other professional registrations or licenses shall not be substituted for this qualification.
   STOP WORK ORDER. A written notice given to any violator of this subchapter requiring the violator to immediately cease and desist any and all activity on the site the violation occurred, other than any work required to correct and repair the damaged system. No other work can be performed on the site until the stop work order is rescinded.
   SWPPP. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan of a construction project, as defined in the KPDES permit.
   YARD WASTE. Includes grass clippings, leaves, limbs, plants, bushes, flowers or shrubs.
(Ord. 2011-07, passed 10-19-2011)