For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CHAIRPERSON. The citizen member of the Planning Commission elected by the members of the Planning Commission to serve in the capacity of CHAIRPERSON.
   CITIZEN MEMBER. Any member of the Planning Commission who is not an elected or appointed public official or employee of the city.
   ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIAL. A member of the Planning Commission who simultaneously holds a position to which he or she was elected by the citizens.
   MEMBER. Any person duly appointed and acting as a member of the Planning Commission.
   PLANNING COMMISSION. The seven-member body authorized by this subchapter to formulate plans for the physical development and social and economic well-being of the city and which shall formulate proposals for implementing such plans and shall have the powers granted to it by KRS Chapter 100.
   TRANSCRIPT. For purposes of meetings, shall be the record maintained of the proceedings indicating the business transacted at the meetings and shall not be required to be a verbatim record. The TRANSCRIPT of a public hearing shall be a verbatim record of the evidence and arguments made to the Planning Commission or its designated hearing officer and the record shall be taken by any person authorized to take a record under the state’s Rules of Civil Procedure.
(Prior Code, § 35.01)