(A) Junk yards are not permitted within the city limits. The junk yards that may exist do so as nonconforming uses only.
(B) All junk yards shall comply with the following regulations.
(1) All junk yards must be completely screened from the surrounding property with the screening being not less than eight feet in height. The Planning Commission shall be required to approve the type of screening used.
(2) Any junk yard located closer than 2,000 feet from a center line of any public road must comply with KRS Chapter 177. The Administrative Officer shall ensure that all junk yards comply with county and state regulations.
(3) No junk shall be left outside of the screened area for more than 24 hours.
(4) No junk yard shall be within 2,000 feet of any Residential Zone.
(5) The Board of Adjustment shall have the power to determine if a parcel is being used for a junk yard or not. An occupational license, sign, words or written agreements shall not be evidence alone as to whether a parcel of a land is being used for a junk yard.
(6) As junk yards can be a threat to the public health and safety through groundwater contamination, insect breeding grounds, eyesores and the like, any junk yard must meet federal and state standards in order to continue to operate. Those found to be in violation shall be notified and be instructed to be brought into compliance.
(Prior Code, § 152.078) Penalty, see § 152.999