(a)   The riding, operation or other use of an all terrain vehicle (ATV) for transportation or recreational purposes within or upon the streets, alleys, sidewalks, parking lots, parks and other governmentally owned, leased or controlled property situate within the corporate limits of Westover is prohibited, except as follows:
      (1)   Any state utility company or their subcontractor shall be allowed to use all terrain vehicles in its business operations so long as in compliance with the West Virginia Code.
      (2)   During state-declared emergencies an ATV may be operated anywhere within the City for the public welfare or good.
      (3)   Any individual may use or operate an ATV within the City for the purpose of snow removal on any person’s property with property owner’s authorization.
   (b)   The Chief of Police has the authority to exempt the enforcement of this article for the operation of any ATV for any 24-hour period if the same benefits the public health or welfare. (Ord. 307. Passed 1-16-07.)