131.04(A)   Permit requirement. Except as otherwise provided in the , no may construct in any without first having obtained a permit from the .
   131.04(B)   A permit will allow the holder to construct in that part of the described in such permit and to hinder free and open passage over the specified portion of the by placing facilities described therein, subject to applicable permit terms.
   131.04(C)   A permit is valid only for the dates and the area of specified in the permit, unless modified by the .
   131.04(D)   Each shall coordinate with the , to the extent feasible and practical, its of facilities, in order to reduce the frequency of , and obstructions in the .
   131.04(E)   Permits issued under this Chapter shall be conspicuously displayed at all times at the indicated work site and shall be available for inspection by   and authorized personnel.
   131.04(F)   All permit requests shall be in the form specified by the and shall contain at a minimum:
   131.04(F)(1)   Evidence that the requesting the permit is a permittee or proof that the requesting the permit has authority to apply for a permit on behalf of a permittee.
   131.04(F)(2)   A maintenance of plan demonstrating the protective measures and devices that will be employed, consistent with uniform control standards as designated by the , to prevent injury or damage to persons or property and to minimize disruptions to efficient pedestrian and vehicular .
   131.04(F)(3)   If the requesting the permit is proposing to install facilities on new , a statement that it is not feasible to locate its facilities on existing   along the proposed route or beneath the surface and a summary of the factual basis for the statement.
   131.04(F)(4)   If the requesting the permit is proposing an underground installation within new ducts or conduits to be constructed within the :
   131.04(F)(4)(a)   A statement that the permittee has verified that it is not feasible to locate its facilities in existing ducts and conduits.
   131.04(F)(4)(b)   The location, depth, size and quantity of proposed new ducts or conduits; and
   131.04(F)(4)(c)   A description of the excess space that may be available for use by other utilities after installation of the new facilities
   131.04(F)(5)   A preliminary schedule and estimated completion date.
   131.04(F)(6)   Name, address and telephone number of the ’s primary contact and of the to contact in case of an .
   131.04(G)   Except in the case of an , no permit will be granted to any :
   131.04(G)(1)   Required to apply for a permit who has not done so;
   131.04(G)(2)   Not in substantial compliance with the requirements of this Chapter or, if applicable to management of the ’s , with the requirements of any other provision of this Code of which the has received notice;
   131.04(G)(3)   With an outstanding debt which is due and payable to the arising out of the requirements of this Chapter as they relate to the ’s . This provision shall not apply where the is legally prohibited from requiring payment of a debt as a condition of issuing a permit.
   131.04(G)(4)   Where there exists grounds for the revocation of a permit, until such has corrected any such failure or default.
   131.04(H)   The may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of the permit and the performance of the requesting the permit thereunder in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare, to ensure the structural integrity of the , to protect the property and safety of other users of the , and to minimize the disruption and inconvenience to the traveling public.
   131.04(I)   The permittee will comply with all reasonable requirements of the with respect to the use or occupation of the ’s as adopted from time to time by ordinance or resolution.
   131.04(J)    ’s right to inspect. The shall have the right to inspect the permittee’s system located and its installation construction and maintenance to insure compliance with the terms of the permit.
(Ord. 2010-23, passed 10-4-2010)