A.   General Supervision: The Chief of the Fire Department shall have the general supervision of the Department, subject to such limitations as the City Council may prescribe.
   B.   Annual Report To Council: He shall report in writing to the Council, within the first quarter of each year, everything in connection with the Department which will be of interest to the Council, the condition of the hose, hooks and ladders, chemical engine and other fire apparatus, and shall recommend such alterations, repairs and additions to such apparatus as he shall deem expedient.
   C.   Furnish List Of Members; Years Of Service: He shall furnish the Council at the same time a list of the members of the Department in good standing. He shall report at the same time the names of all persons who have served as members for ten (10) years.
   D.   Equipment Maintenance; Report To City Manager: He shall, whenever he finds any hydrant, hose or other fire apparatus out of order or in need of repair, forthwith report the fact to the City Manager.
   E.   Dismissal Of Members: He may dismiss any member of the Department for insubordination or inefficiency, and such dismissal shall be final unless revoked by the Council. (1975 Code § 4-1-5; amd. 1998 Code)