The collection and disposal of solid waste as provided by this chapter are declared to be beneficial to the property served or eligible to be served and there shall be levied and collected fees for the saem, in accordance with the following:
(Goreham vs. Des Moines, 1970, 179 NW 2nd, 449 [Iowa 1970])
   A.   Schedule of Fees. The fees for solid waste collection and disposal service, used or available, are:
      1.   For each residential premises and for each dwelling unit of a multiple-family dwelling with three or less total units, each unit shall be billed per the City's rate schedule based on the number and size of garbage cans issued to the property.
      2.   Multiple-family dwellings containing more than three units or part of a mixed used, commercial and residential uses combined in one building shall be billed as a commercial premise based on the frequency of pickup an size of dumpster provided. The billing shall be to the property onwer and not to individual residnetial units.
      3.   For commercial, industrial, and institutional premises they shall be billed under the City'ss current commercial rates based on the frequency of pickup and size of dumpster provided.
   B.   Payment of Bills. All fees are due and payable under the same terms and conditions provided for paymen tof a combined service account. Solid waste collection service may be discontineued in accordance with the provisions of this Code if the combined service account becomes delinquent, and the provisions contianed in this Code relating to lien notices shall also apply in the vent of a delinquent account.
   C.   Late PAyment Penalty. Fees not paid when due shall be deemed delinquent and shall be billed a late fee in accordance with the standard utility biling late payment policy.
(Section 6-1-13 - Ord. 20240820-07 - Nov. 24 Supp.)