A. Placement Of Containers On Street: Every family occupying or possessing a house, building, flat, apartment or dwelling place in the City which is a private residence and for which a container for garbage has been provided, to place or cause to be placed such container by seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. of the day of collection at the street curb line, in such a manner as the City may direct. (Ord. 1-94, 1-4-1994; amd. 1998 Code)
B. Mobile Home Parks: Mobile home parks will be permitted to choose between the City or a private commercial hauler to provide solid, recyclable and yard/brush waste disposal, selection to be for a minimum period of twelve (12) months. Mobile home park owners will provide a central location for dumpsters within the trailer park for the residents to dispose of their garbage.
C. Drainage And Care Of Garbage: The garbage, prior to being placed in the container, shall be thoroughly drained of all liquid and securely placed in paper or plastic.
D. Brush And Yard Waste: All brush to be collected shall be placed at the curb line. Brush shall be cut in lengths not to exceed four feet (4') in length and two inches (2") in diameter and placed at the curb line. All yard waste to be collected shall be placed at the curb line loose, not in bags. (Ord. 1-94, 1-4-1994)