(a)   There is hereby established a Litter Control Board whose duties include but are not limited to the following to:
      (1)   Provide recommendations and direction to the administration of the City in developing program goals and objectives.
      (2)   Make recommendations concerning the selection of a Grant Program Manager.
      (3)   Advise the administration of the City concerning the implementation of the program.
      (4)   Provide an opportunity for public input into the grant application and program development process.
   All of the foregoing shall be done consistent with the applicable sections of Ohio R.C. Chapter 1501 and any amendments thereto.
   (b)   The local Litter Control Board shall consist of five members who shall serve without compensation for a period of three years:
      (1)   Mayor;
      (2)   Chief of Police;
      (3)   Either the Superintendent of Schools or any assistant Superintendent of Schools;
      (4)   Two members from the public appointed by the Mayor who shall, as nearly as possible, represent such interests as industry, labor, commerce, agriculture and conservation.
         (Ord. 1982-109. Passed 9-2-82.)