(a)   There is hereby created an account to be known as a Confidential Investigation Fund within the Police Department.
   (b)   From time to time moneys will be appropriated into such Confidential Investigation Fund by Council for use under the direction of the Chief of Police, who shall be responsible for the expenditures of same. An accounting shall be made by the Chief of Police from time to time, of such expenditures, to the Director of Finance, and it shall be the duty and responsibility of the Chief of Police to petition Council for funds when needed.
   (c)   The funds in the Confidential Investigation Fund shall be expended subject to the following general provisions and conditions:
      (1)   The purchase of information and the entertainment of suspects and informants who furnish or who are deemed to be qualified to furnish information of possible value on an investigative mission constitute a proper claim for reimbursement. Investigators may claim reimbursement for meals and refreshments taken by themselves and others associated with the investigation in circumstances necessitating their doing so in conjunction with informers or contacts. However, confidential investigation funds shall not be used for general entertainment purposes.
      (2)   Rental and maintenance of real property required for covert confidential investigation operations.
      (3)   Hire of interpreters, specialists and/or special police officers required for the execution of covert confidential investigation missions where hire by normal means would jeopardize the success of the mission.
      (4)   If certain items of supply and equipment are necessary in connection with a specific investigation and cannot be obtained through regular supply channels in time to meet the requirements of the investigation, the purchase on an emergency basis from confidential investigation funds is authorized.
      (5)   The purchase of special items of supplies and equipment which can readily be identified as investigative in nature and which cannot be procured through normal channels without jeopardizing the mission is authorized.
      (6)   Confidential investigation funds may be used for maintenance and replacement of all confidential investigation supplies and equipment purchased with confidential investigation funds.
      (7)   Special clothing needed to accomplish a specific mission may be procured and furnished to investigate personnel without regard to the allowances prescribed in other ordinances if the necessity for such procurement is determined to exist by the Chief of Police. Special clothing may be purchased or rented for other personnel if such clothing is necessary in connection with a specific investigation.
      (8)   When travel by a privately owned vehicle is required to accomplish a mission and is authorized by the Chief of Police, reimbursement will be made at the rate authorized by Section 167.02 .
      (9)   Payment on an actual cost basis from confidential investigation funds for travel by privately owned vehicle, taxicab or other public conveyance is authorized, provided City-owned vehicles are not available or the urgency of the situation does not permit or allow the utilization of City-owned transportation. Travel performed by conveyances must be in the actual performance of official investigating duties. The use of taxis and rental of automobiles should be kept to a minimum, consistent with maximum efficiency in accomplishing missions.
      (10)   Tolls incurred in the use of either privately owned or rented, or City-owned vehicles are reimbursable from confidential investigation funds where the use of available funds from other accounts would compromise the mission or jeopardize successful accomplishment of the mission.
      (11)   Overnight storage, parking expenditures and any incidental expense incurred in the operation of a privately owned vehicle or City-owned vehicle, while on an investigative mission are reimbursable provided that, in the case of a City-owned vehicle, the service is not available from City facilities, or, if available, the utilization would jeopardize the successful accomplishment of the mission.
      (12)   Official travel performed by investigators by rail, airplane, bus or other than local travel are properly reimbursable from confidential investigation funds.
      (13)   When the exigencies of a special situation in connection with the official duties or assigned mission of an investigator require him (her) to live temporarily in a particular location or under particular conditions, the cost incurred is reimbursable from confidential investigation funds.
   (d)   A separate record account will be established by the Chief of Police of all supplies and equipment purchased with confidential investigation funds.
      (1)   Any property which is consumed, lost or destroyed out of necessity in connection with an investigation may be dropped from accountability upon approval by the Mayor.
      (2)   Property which is not consumed or destroyed but which passes from police control out of necessity in connection with an investigation may be dropped from accountability, is provided any of the following conditions apply:
         A.   The property is uneconomically recoverable;
         B.   Recovery would prejudice the successful completion of the investigation; or
         C.   Recovery would disclose investigative technique or disclose the identity of informants or the investigator;
      (3)   When property is dropped from accountability, the responsible investigators, will provide the Chief of Police with a report that the property was consumed, destroyed or otherwise passed from City control, presenting the reasons therefore and the identifying investigation in connection with which the property was used.
      (4)   Unserviceable and/or excess or obsolete property shall be destroyed in the presence of at least three witnesses, one of which shall be the Chief of Police.
   (e)   The creation of this Confidential Investigation Fund is subject to the approval of the Bureau of Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices of the State of Ohio. The Clerk of Council is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this section and send same to the Bureau of Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices of the State of Ohio, and to request the approval of such Bureau for the establishment of such Fund.
   (f)   The Chief of Police is responsible to the Mayor for the administration of the Confidential Investigation Fund.
(Ord. 1968-41. Passed 3-21-68.)