Any person eighteen years of age or older who is a resident of a Westshore Council of Governments city or is a resident in a city contiguous to a Westshore city may volunteer to become a member of the WSC if they meet all of the following requirements:
   (a)   Submit a completed application for WSC membership.
   (b)   Complete required FEMA training.
(c)   Abide by and fulfill membership requirements defined in the WSC Guidelines.
   (d)   Submit to a background check.
      (1)   Every WSC applicant shall submit to a background check conducted by the appropriate representative of a Westshore city police department.
      (2)   Only upon successful completion thereof as per the WSC Guidelines, the volunteer shall be issued a WSC identification card, which he/she may retain during his/her continued active membership and good behavior.
      (3)   The identification card is and remains at all times the property of the WSC.
   (e)   At such time as a volunteer leaves the organization for any reason or is expelled or has his/her membership terminated, he/she agrees to return the identification card to the WSC coordinator forthwith.
      (Ord. 2012-171. Passed 12-20-12.)