No person, firm or corporation shall be issued a building permit for the construction of any structure on any lot contiguous to a dedicated street within the City until a two thousand dollar ($2,000) cash deposit is paid to the Director of Finance to cover administrative costs, cost of checking grades and drainage of surface water. The balance of such cash deposit shall be refunded upon compliance with the terms of this chapter after deducting therefrom any costs and expenses incurred by the City as a result of work done by the City Engineer.
   In cases involving commercial or multi-family property, the City may require a deposit greater than the two thousand dollars ($2,000) to guarantee such compliance. The amount thereof shall be determined by the City Engineer, which determination shall be based upon the estimated cost of performing such drainage work.
(Ord. 1999-107. Passed 5-6-99.)
   If the aforesaid work is not done within thirty days from the time of the sending of written notice by the City, the City may do the work and the aforesaid cash deposit shall be applied to the cost of the City doing the aforesaid grading and any funds which are in excess of the City's cost of grading shall be returned to the person making the deposit as aforesaid, and further, any deficiency in funds between the deposit and the cost of the City doing the grading, shall become a lien upon the lands and shall be certified to the Auditor of the County of Cuyahoga for entering upon the tax duplicate and collection as other taxes and shall be returned by the Auditor of Cuyahoga County to the City for deposit in the General Fund.
(Ord. 1979-121. Passed 10-18-79.)