Applications for each building permit shall be accompanied by a five hundred dollar ($500.00) deposit. In the event that a builder has more than five buildings in any one subdivision, the City Engineer may, at his discretion, reduce the amount to be deposited, for each additional building in excess of five.
   (a)   This deposit shall be used for the verification of finished ground grades to see if they conform to the approved grading plan, and if necessary, to grade the site in accordance with approved grading plan. Costs shall be calculated at a rate of not to exceed the City's costs per man hour for the time spent by the City Engineer or his field crew.
   (b)   If the grading account of an individual builder diminishes below fifty percent of the required deposit, then that particular builder shall be required to deposit additional funds to bring his account up to the required deposit. When a builder has completed all work on a building site and a final grading has been inspected and approved by the City he shall be refunded whatever balance of each deposit that may be remaining in his grading account.
      (Ord. 1985-115. Passed 10-3-85.)