The appearance of buildings, structures, open spaces and landscaping throughout the City is of public concern. It is in the public interest to ensure that new developments and modifications to existing developments reflect and are sensitive to the history, climate, topography, vegetation, architecture and other building traditions of the City of Westlake. Therefore, the purpose of the regulations in this Chapter is to provide criteria to be used by the Planning Commission when evaluating the appropriateness of proposed development in the City. These provisions are established to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To strengthen, protect, enhance and improve the existing visual and aesthetic character of the City, and to prevent the creation or perpetuation of nuisances or blight in the City.
(b) To integrate developments into the surrounding environment, as well as to ensure that each new development and redevelopment will be attractive.
(c) To protect and improve property values.
(d) To foster and encourage creative application of design principles.
(e) To ensure that the particular existing design features which contribute to the unique character of the City of Westlake are retained and re-created in a manner that ensures that the City retains and enhances its sense of community.
(f) To ensure that new development and redevelopment are compatible and harmonious with the existing overall character of the City, especially when development is proposed in areas where the existing structures do not have architectural features that warrant replication or enhancement.
(g) To bring new buildings into an orderly arrangements with landscape and nature, other buildings and open areas.
(Ord. 2001-141. Passed 1-17-02.)
(h) To ensure that these objectives are achieved through an impartial review process which assures that each proposal complies with this chapter.
(Ord. 2023-6. Passed 4-20-23.)