Conditional uses shall conform to the regulations set forth in Chapter 1227. All permitted buildings and uses in a Health Campus District shall conform to the following regulations:
   (a)   No direct access to any facility or parking off any exterior road will be available. A maximum of two points of entry will lead from any exterior road to an external circulation system. Access to each facility will be from this internal circulation system.
   (b)   Drainage will follow existing regulations to minimize impact on the surrounding area. (Ord. 1991-132. Passed 10-3-91.)
   (c)   Exterior lighting shall be in accordance with Section 1230.03.
      (Ord. 2017-110. Passed 12-21-17.)
   (d)   Uniform signage will be implemented within the District.
   (e)   All parking for any facility will be provided within the District.
   (f)   All trash receptacles shall be located wholly within the main building or in an approved enclosed structure. Exterior trash enclosures shall be six feet in height with masonry walls on three sides with a solid gate or door on the forth side. Enclosures shall be designed to be compatible in design and material as the main building. Exterior enclosures shall be at least six feet from the main building and shall provide a setback from property lines equal to the required loading area setback. Where adjacent to residential districts, trash enclosures shall be further screened with a landscape buffer approved by the Planning Commission.
      (Ord. 1991-132. Passed 10-3-91.)