1218.01 PURPOSE.
   Office-Laboratory Districts and Exclusive Industrial Districts and their respective regulations are established herein in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To provide convenient and sufficient districts for industrially oriented office and research activities and for the production and distribution of goods in order to serve and promote economic development of the community; more specifically;
   (b)   To provide Office-Laboratory Districts in close proximity to the freeway system so as to be accessible to widely dispersed administrative and technical personnel in the region;
   (c)   To provide Exclusive Industrial Districts near the freeway system for uses which generate relatively large volumes of traffic, so as to be accessible to a large labor force and consumers throughout the region;
   (d)   To protect and stabilize developments from traffic congestion by regulating the intensity of use, by requiring off-street parking, loading and on-site circulation facilities and by regulating the access to streets;
   (e)   To protect nearby residential neighborhoods by restricting the types of nearby uses, particularly at their common boundaries, which would create objectionable influences; and
   (f)   To promote the most desirable and beneficial industrial use of the land based upon the Guide Plan and directed to bring about eventual conformity with the Plan as it may be amended.
      (Ord. 1969-169. Passed 7-16-70.)